Mastermind meets Android pattern lock
05 April 2017
Morning commute is long and boring. In my case the routine pass by 20 minutes of tube. Then by looking at people playing at Candy Crush I realised I should install a game on my phone to entertain me, but not Candy Crush. I remembered to my Mastermind game while I was a child and I really liked that game. However I wanted something a bit different and got the idea after failing to unlock my phone to make a mix beteen Mastermind and the Android lock pattern. The perfect opportinity to build my first Progressive Web App, and play with WebPack. After 2 weeks of code and months of polishing the game was ready to go. At first it was for my personal entertainment but it's even better if other people can enjoy it too.
‘‘It's dangerously amazing to code a mean feedback on your perfomance’’